Welcome to Clean Living Journey
As someone who has struggled with maintaining proper health through nutrition, exercise, and weight management, I can appreciate the struggles experienced by others. I have tried many diets (weight watchers, NutriSystem, Atkins, soups, etc) only to gain the weight back once I stopped. I have been anorexic and an over eater with stress, depression, etc. I've learned you need to know how to eat, not just follow meal plans. I hope we can learn how to do this together and learn from each other. The time I've felt the best is when I eat clean & pure food. I am back to shopping on the outer isles for most of my food. I am relearning to eat no processed foods, it actually hasn't been so hard to do. I have come to the realization that diets don't work. We have to change our behavior and make it a lifestyle to suceed.
Good Health is True Wealth and your Best Commodity. Start your road to a healthier lifestyle today.
“The doctor of the future will give no medicine, but will interest his patients in the care of the human frame, in diet, and in the cause and prevention of disease.”
— Thomas Edison
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